Word on the street is a five dozen carton of eggs at Costco is now a whopping $22 dollars. (Thanks, President Trump!) Those of us reliant on a high protein supply are in shambles. At the two eggs per day rate that I eat (which is kind of low, relatively), I might have to declare bankruptcy.
Elon Musk is taking a figurative chainsaw to the federal payroll. The city of San Francisco is in a massive budget hole. San Francisco State University (my employer) has declared a financial emergency. Seemingly every day another private sector company is shedding jobs. It’s not a great time, is it? We can’t be certain of our job security. And if we are unlucky to be fired, the job hunting market will surely be ultra competitive.
What helps soothe the stress in these uncertain times is to have a cash reserve. (I know, right to privilege jail. Right away!) Those of us with a proper emergency fund, one that can last us an entire year without employment, are sitting comfortable. Of course it would still suck to be out of a job, but not having to worry about covering rent for at least awhile takes away the dread. I will be fine either which way.
The dream is to stop working, right? Short of a lucky windfall, the best way to achieve that is to slowly stockpile the money. Keep it in a savings account for emergencies. Throw the rest into the market (not investment advice, do your own research) so that it can compound. I have a much better relationship with my job when I am not actively looking forward to the next paycheck to cover some debt hole I dug myself into.
Peace of mind in a capitalist system is to have capital. We work so hard in exchange for money. Mustn’t spend it all on TikTok shop!
Get to the chopper!