365 photo challenge: 2011.

Costco has the best food.
In Mountain View near the place where they store the airships and blimps. About to go on a fun run up in the mountains
First day of spring semester 2011.
Some of the beautiful architecture of the SFSU campus.
One stop.
Turned in my graduation application today. Shit just got serious.
Feels like I am in elementary school again.
Yes, you are indeed.
Second day of my internship, taking product photographs.
A bit of hail in Berkeley.
Hubby & Lee's first beer tasting event
Studying up for my last final - ever.
Photography is work. All day everyday.
First live Giants game of the season and it's against the Dodgers!
Back to a familiar view of my old high school stomping grounds.
Red Robin ~ Yum!
Mobile city in my art class.
Finally joined the civilized age by getting a smartphone.
Korean Music Festival 2011.
The only thing I did during my Color Theory class that I am proud of - this gorgeous mosaic piece
My station at work.
Back at the ballpark once again to cheer on our Giants.
Did a photoshoot of cars at the Milpitas Public Library parking structure
It's a rainy day at work.
The most expensive piece of paper I own.
A nice drive on a virtual Nurburgring.
Helped my friend work on his car today.
Let's go Giants!
The architecture of Moscone Center West
Some of the interesting architecture on Minna street, San Francisco
An authentic Buster Posey jersey as a birthday gift for my friend
First time this season sitting out in the bleachers. Look at that fog rolling in.
The iPhone has completely replaced my iPod as a, well, iPod.
The best time to wash the car is when it rains.
Did a photo walk during the night time at the piers. What a view!
Into the system.
Did another photo walk during the night time, only this time shot the other famous bridge from San Francisco
Pickling our own daikon raddish.
My collectors hard cover Steve jobs biography
I was under the weather today, but still managed to go and get a birthday present for my best friend
My board at work to remind me of what needs to be done
Got a chance to do some product photography after a bit of hiatus.
Got me a prime lens for portraiture
Went to my friend's house for a photo assignment, and decided to take a picture of my car parked.
Dim sum with the family for my birthday.
Business cards have arrived.
365 photo challenge: 2011.