A coworker of mine is dangerously close to being diabetic. The doctor has him on three medications already to try to stem the tide. Yesterday I regrettably informed him that being diabetic does indeed increases the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Just as smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Maybe that will finally be the impetus for my coworker to change his lifestyle. Because losing the mind - our consciousness - is a horror no one wants.
Obviously, type two diabetes is overall bad news for practically every facet of the human body. My late maternal grandfather lived with it for the latter part of his life. It was a never-ending cycle of dialysis. It’s a surprise that he lived to 93, because he did not adhere to the strict diet and exercise advice typically prescribed to diabetic patients (you know, the part that doesn’t involve drugs). Maybe there’s hope yet for my coworker, because he’s failing massively to change his diet, and let’s not even talk about working out.
The easiest on paper prescription is the toughest to follow. I’ve another friend who got told by her doctor that if she doesn't change her diet and exercise habits, she won’t live pass 40 to see her kids graduate. That should be a sufficient wake-up call, right? The friend has changed her diet somewhat, but flat-out refuses to do any sort of exercising. It’s sad to see, honestly. My coworker also has a young daughter to live for. How much stronger do incentive need to get for people to change?
And to think the impetus that got me to change my diet and exercise - way back in college - was a mere borderline hypertensive blood pressure result during a routine checkup. I get it: most other people want an easy pill to swallow. Habits are difficult to build. Short term rewards are more salient than long-term thinking. All I’m saying is, the latter two decades of my grandfather’s life was no life at all. That’s cautionary tale enough for me.
That’s a penis!