
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

We are sitting too comfy

Apparently, July 2023 is the hottest month in recorded history. It sure does not feel like it here in San Francisco, though I’m sure it’s been absolutely sweltering soon as outside of the city confines. Just a week ago I was sweating it out across the bay in Oakland at an A’s game. But soon as I cross back over to San Francisco, the marine layer welcomes me like a blast of chill in a summer’s desert. We are damn lucky the city have stayed relatively cool, whist the rest of the world is melting down. Granted, we sure pay dearly - in cost of living - for it.

Sometimes I wonder if we ought to have survivor’s guilt, vis a vis climate change. Other than the droughts and smokey wildfires of past years (never forget the big orange sky), I would say San Francisco have been relatively unscathed thus far. Good thing increased carbon emissions in the atmosphere doesn’t cause a correlative uptick in earthquake risk? They’ve been telling us since middle school (that would be early 2000s for me) that we are due for the next big one, and we ought to be prepared. Yet we’ve still not experienced anything close to the 1989 quake.

I really should get that earthquake preparedness kit (finally) in order.

It’s been devastating to watch the wildfire tragedy in Maui unfold. Nearly 100 people dead, whole neighborhoods burned down, and the fires still burning throughout the island. The deadliest wildfire in over a century, and it’s in Hawaii of all places. The islands are not what you would associate with fire disasters (Hurricanes or tsunamis would be more apt), so it makes what’s going on even more shocking. Please donate to the first-respond efforts: American Red Cross is always good. For something more local, the Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund is recommended (That is where I donated).

The curious cat.

It's windy sideways!

Man is it windy out there! Starting yesterday afternoon, the San Francisco Bay Area has been experiencing an epic wind storm, with gusts well above 50 MPH. On campus, a giant tree toppled onto a building. When walking outside I literally had to hold onto my hat, head down so that debris doesn’t get into the eyes. More of the same today, with addition of rain and very cold temperatures. Bundle up and lotion up!

As a car enthusiast, the one thing I worry about during these windy weather patterns is my street-parked car. I’ve an irrational fear of a rouge trashcan getting blown by the wind right into my BMW M2. Good thing trash day was the day before yesterday’s wind storm. And good thing I actually moved my car into my work’s covered parking structure. Ah, the privilege of living so close to work: I can utilize its facilities to the full potential. The reason I don’t park the M2 there all the time is I like to look at it parked out front of the house through my window.

That’s the one downside about tree-lined streets: during wind and rain storms the plants can turn deadly. To things and humans. On the walk home yesterday through the wind I purposely avoided walking under trees. Can’t risk a branch falling off and ending it all right there. That stuff can happen during the best of times: I remember the woman who died from a fallen tree branch at Golden Gate Park. Horrible way to die, and who can you blame but the act of god?

I think it’s important to be alert and aware of the surroundings whenever you’re outside, no matter how adverse or not the weather is. Get your head out of the smartphone and look around instead. There’s lots of AAPI hate these days: walk around unawares and a Infiniti G37 sedan might pull up unnoticed and rob you. Got to be careful out there!

A book I never follow.

It's raining sideways!

Last night was the first time in a few nights I slept through the entire time. Northern California has been experiencing continuous deluge of rain and wind since the end of December. 50 miles-an-hour winds and heavy rain (and hail!) keep waking me up from slumber. These are heavy storms through and through, and it’s not over yet: the forecast says we won’t see the end of it until the 20th. As of typing we are expecting another full day of rain and crazy winds. Floor advisory in effect for the afternoon hours.

I was lucky yesterday to have smarty moved my BMW M2 to my work’s covered parking garage. One of the perks of living so close to work is I can use the garage whenever I need to stash the car for relatively long term. Either when I go on vacation, or when I need to put the BMW away from harmful weather. For about $25 of my pre-tax dollars every month, it’s a convenience worth paying for, even though 95 percent of the time I don’t park any car at work.

Shoutout to the coworkers who have to navigate fell trees and blocked roads to get to work. At least they are dry and warm in their sealed vehicles. I have to walk the half mile to work in the elements. Thankfully the storm have held up thus far during my commute hours, though I’m definitely prepared to go to a full poncho setup. An umbrella with these winds would just be utterly useless.

Another thing to worry about during times of heavy rain is leaks and flooding to the home. We’ve been fortunately in that regard, though I’ve heard too many anecdotes about roofs needing repair. My supervisor’s garage got flooded, a nasty confluence of geography. His house is situated on a plot where water naturally accumulates when there’s lots of rain within a short period time. No prevention - the only thing to do is pump the water out.

Stay dry and safe, everyone. More to come, unfortunately.

All hail!

It's cozy season!

It’s gotten properly cold in the mornings around here, well into the 40s. It makes getting out of the warm and toasty bed incredibly difficult. I wake up well before I actually have to go to work, so the impetus of leaving the bed is totally up to me. There are indeed days I succumb to hedonistic incentives and simply stay in bed until I actually do have to get ready for work. Especially so during the winter months.

But not today! Because here I am typing this out this morning, with a hot cup of coffee as fuel. A woman walking her dog just passed by outside my window. She was reading a book while doing so, which is kind of weird because shouldn’t you be focused on the actual task? I guess it’s slightly better than staring at a smartphone that everybody else does. It’s a cool and crisp morning! Look up and take in the fresh air instead.

Having a pet dog does keep you honest about keeping a consistent schedule of going outside. That bit of exercise - three times a day - benefits the dog and the owner. I think if you’re stressed or otherwise in need of some movement in your life, adopting a dog from a shelter is as much of a win-win situation as there is. You can never have a bad day when you see the incessant joy a dog has when you come home.

Sadly for me, I’m more of a cat person. Nor do I have space in my studio for a pet.

But shoutout to the morning dog walkers! It cannot be easy leaving the warm cocoon of home and having to put on thick layers. People without pets like myself struggle to even get out of bed. I do love this winter weather though. As the kids say these days, it’s cozy SZN!

Cozy dinner.

Historic heatwave

Man, that was some heatwave, wasn’t it? Even the west side of San Francisco got up to the 90s. That’s still not as bad as the rest of California: soon as you leave sight of the ocean, you are in the 100s. I feel most bad and concern for my father who works in construction. It cannot be fun at all yesterday at the work site. God bless the men and women who have to work outside under these scorching conditions. The construction workers, the firefighters, and the guy with a food cart selling hotdogs to the neighborhood.

Yesterday afternoon we got an email from campus saying PG&E is instituting rolling blackouts from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The funny part is the email cautioned us to avoid using the elevators - if possible - during that time. Make sense: last thing any of us want is to be stuck inside an elevator that’s only going to get hotter because no electricity means no circulation, either. Folks in the downtown campus simply left and went home. I guess there’s less oversight over there!

Turns out much of California was under potential blackout conditions during peak hours yesterday, our house included. Thankfully it never came to pass. It seems enough household heeded the warnings and reduced their energy consumption enough to mitigate the need to cut off power. It’s a good reminder for me to be prepared. I really should get one of those fancy multi-hundreds of watt battery generators. The type that people take to go camping or hashtag van life.

Just like air conditioning, you’ll be glad you have it when you need it. Speaking of which, I’m lucky my studio is somewhat subterranean so it stays cool even when outside temperatures are in the 90s. If that weren’t the case, I would be running a portable air conditioning unit for sure. As a friend said: “Comfort [at the home] is paramount.”

Blue lagoon.

I slept just fine

Yesterday was the type of day that I am glad I live at the bottom level of a three story home. The upper two levels absorb all the heat from the sun, leaving my place relatively nice and cool. It was said that yesterday was the hottest day in San Francisco since October of 2020. Which is to say it was the hottest days I’ve experiences in this new place since I moved here back in November of that same year. Upper 80 degree day? No problem!

I do feel for my housemates upstairs who were absolutely roasting. At least they’ve got a portable AC unit for their office. After work they should have shut it off and turn the room into a sauna. No need to pay heftily for a monthly gym membership!

Joking aside, I too would be running portable air conditioning if my room doesn’t stay as cool as it does. Not for during the day, mind you, but for the precious sleep hours. The body needs to cool down a few degrees in order for us to fall asleep. With indoor temperatures above 80 degrees, it’s nearly impossible to cool down. You’re already sleeping without blanket; there’s nothing more to remove! I know this deeply, because my previous bedroom was on the third floor.

Obviously, sleep is one of the most importantly things to do daily, so the cost to run an AC overnight is completely worth it. I bet my friend, who bought a new house last year and had to take some convincing to install central AC, was loving the decision last night. Even though it only gets that hot for a handful of days per year in San Francisco, it’s only going to get worst, right? Hashtag climate change.


That's not sushi

Jesus Christ is it cold. The weather app on my iPhone says it’s currently 40 degrees outside, though I bet it is actually colder still. Looks like for the rest of today the mercury won’t rise above 50 degrees. Just last week I was talking about a string of unseasonably warm weather here in San Francisco. Well, guess what: winter is back, baby! It even hailed last evening. My poor BMW M2 that’s parked outside…

I would like to switch gears completely and talk about sushi. Ever since I came back from Japan back in 2019, I’ve seldom had sushi here in the States. After I’ve tasted the real quality stuff in Japan, the sushi we get here is just depressing. There are some good spots here in the city, but man do you have to pay a lot for it. In Tokyo, any old neighborhood sushi place is better than most of the Japanese restaurants here.

Hopefully Japan - and rest of Asia - opens back up soon without quarantine restrictions.

When I say sushi, I am speaking of the type where it’s just a slice of raw fish on top of a piece of rice. Sometimes it’s wrapped in a piece of fried seaweed. That’s it. I would not classify the fancy rolls we get here in the States as sushi. Too many ingredients, too complicated to make. The California roll and its similar brethren are more of a fusion-style burrito with ingredients from Japanese cuisine. Not to say those rolls aren’t delicious, but it’s not what I’m getting when I’m craving sushi.

Obviously today would not be a good day for cold pieces of fish. Tonight’s dinner call for fresh rice, piping hot soup, and Chinese barbecue pork. Now to get through the work day to get there…

It’s heated seats and steering wheel season!