Frequent listeners of podcasts (or followers of gym girls on instagram) have undoubtedly heard of EightSleep pod covers. A cooling layer between you and the bed so that you can sleep better during the hot summer days. It’s rather expensive, and the latest version even requires a subscription. But, if you live in Texas and your summers are three months of 90 degree nights, a pod cover for the bed is likely much cheaper than running air conditioning for the room.
Here in San Francisco, we really only have one week of “true” summer. And it’s during October. The one week that makes me pine for a cooling solution so I can actually sleep at night. But even if I’m willing to pay the high price, there’s a problem: EightSleep’s smallest size offering is a full. I have a twin mattress, of which I just purchased two years ago. There’s no way I am changing (read: paying even more money) that arrangement just to sleep better for a week out of the year. Maybe. Thinking about it.
To the fine folks at EightSleep: why discriminate against broke boys like me? I can’t afford a place in San Francisco with enough space to fit a full size (and above) bed. Not in this economy! I want you to shut up and take my money (thousands), yet you guys refuse to make a twin size version of your product. Or perhaps you’ve done customer studies, and people who have twin size beds (children, and space-efficient adults like me) aren’t likely to be customers. Either way, I am very disappointed.
At least my Helix mattress has a sewn-in cooling top layer. No, I don’t have a discount code for you. A website with dozens of readers is atomically insignificant to receive brand deals.
Let the games begin.