The calendar may have turned to a new year, yet sadly the coronavirus pandemic is still raging on. Multiple vaccines have been approved and are being distributed throughout the country, but the rollout have been slow and inefficient. Daily U.S. deaths are hovering around the three thousands, and local ICU bed capacity is in the single digits percentage. San Francisco has extended a stay-at-home order indefinitely.
What I am trying to say is: we’re going to be stuck in our homes for a longer while still, likely longer that we’d hoped. Approving the vaccines was the beginning of the end, but it’s going to be a gradual descent back to normalcy, rather than the drop of a rollercoaster.
With yet more free time on the horizon, unable to go anywhere, I pondered on a new hobby to pick up. A new practice that would take about an hour each day. Hopefully by the proper end of the pandemic, I’d learned a new skill. Even if it’s only for self enrichment, it would be a worthwhile endeavor to fill up the free time productively.
Recently, I narrowed it down to (finally) learning the piano, in what was a childhood aspiration. I took a semester of lessons back in high school, but I never kept up the practice. Back then I wasn’t a fan of learning for learning’s sake, more focused on the fun parts of being an adult.. It’s different now, obviously: I am the person that self-taught himself Korean, a project that’s still ongoing. So reckon I have the discipline now to follow through with a dream from childhood.
What’s stopping the great? Costs. I like to buy quality things, and the price of an excellent stage keyboard is in the many thousands (I am not going to buy the hundred-dollar kids specials they sell at Costco). Furthermore, I’d also need an iPad, so I can plug that into the keyboard and take lessons via an app.
Nobody said hobbies were cheap. I should know: gestures at car and camera kit.
The perfect three-car garage?