I woke up yesterday feeling rather parched, which was strange because I am the type of person who hydrates properly. Then I remembered: the air-conditioning was on the entire time the day before, and the negative side-effect to having a chilled room is that air-conditioning removes moisture, leaving your skin and mouth dry if you don’t drink more water than usual. So I got up, skipped the coffee (a diuretic that also dehydrates), and made a giant jug of lemon water and promptly drank half of it.
The desperate need for fluids is a small price to pay for the comforts of having air-conditioning. The long three-day Labor Day weekend saw historically high temperatures in much of California, with San Francisco hitting 100 degrees on Sunday afternoon. Since the last such heat-wave, I finally broke down and purchased a portable air-conditioning machine, not wanting to suffer the hot nights of uneasy sleep any longer. Our relatively tiny 10,000 BTU unit did a superb job at keeping our living room at a comfortable (read: not cold enough for multi-layers of clothing) temperature during the day, and evacuating the latent heat in the bedrooms before sleep time.
So glad we bought it in time for this heat-wave, and probably should have done it way sooner.
Traditionally, the long Labor Day weekend is a time for us who work in education to take a breather after the intense opening weeks of the Fall semester. I had plans to the write the August installment of the GT3 diaries, and to devour a few books. The weather gods had other plans of course, and it was entirely too hot inside the house to have any productivity. I feel guilty sometimes being for being such a wimp: temperatures go past 90 and suddenly I can’t work anymore! But you try putting together cogent sentences when merely sitting down and not moving is enough to cause a sweat; my room was a sauna.
It didn’t help I recently just sold my Macbook Pro, so I didn’t have a portable device to bring to the air-conditioned living room to continue working. Instead, I lounged around for much of this past weekend, trying to stay cool and hydrated. Sorry, dear readers: the August update for the 911 GT3 will have to wait another week.
Weekend position.