Yesterday I had a truly blissful moment. It was around 5:00 PM in the afternoon. I’d just finished swimming some laps at the local pool. The sun was out, and the temperature was warm enough for San Francisco (which is to say: slightly cool). Being a local pool, I walk there instead of drive. A short 20 minutes of pre and post exercise. That walk back home yesterday was the best post-workout high I’ve experienced in a long time.
I’m generally a fast walker, but yesterday afternoon I walked at a far slower pace. Partly because I was tired from the cardio at the pool, and partly because I so present in the moment. What would I be in the hurry for anyways? Absolutely nothing. Saturday is for slowing down and enjoying life. At least it still is for my single, zero children lifestyle. Those of you with kids: sorry, Saturday is for spending more time with them!
It never gets old how utterly walkable (almost) everything is around me. Not only is it a time and planet savor, but I’ve come to enjoy walking to places. The air quality in this part of the city is fairly decent, plus I get that all-important sun exposure for those precious vitamin Ds. If a spot is within a mile or so radius from home, I’m walking. Unless of course I need to buy a big bag of rice from H Mart. Then the car comes into play.
Or when the weather is inclement. Walking in the rain is no fun, poncho or otherwise.
Suburbia may appeal to me at a later stage in life. For now, I don’t see myself giving up on this entirely walkable situation any time soon. Not for two times the salary would I go back to having a soul-sucking car commute. How you seen how crazy the drivers are on the freeways lately? My 10 minute walk to work is almost therapeutic in comparison.
Bars will be dropped here.