The best days are when you’ve put in hard hours at work, that by the end of the night, you are so tired that soon as your head hits the pillow, you go right to sleep for eight plus hours with zero interruption. Yesterday was such a day for me, and sure enough I slept like a hibernating animal until I was once again unceremoniously interrupted by my morning alarm. Because no matter how awesome of a day you’ve just had, the cycle of life means you get to do it over again the next day.
It sure beats the alternative!
There’s this perception that those of us lucky enough to be able to work from home, the workload must be far lower than what it would have been during normal times. The mere fact that we are away from the workplace means there’s some tasks you simply cannot do. This is especially true in my field of tech support; there’s nothing we can do remotely if a user’s laptop mechanically fail. Zoom is awesome technology, but even it can’t replicate actually getting hands on a machine for troubleshooting. The scope of things to do may indeed have decreased, but quite honestly I’ve been as busy as ever these past few months of lockdown.
It’s all about making the most out of a situation, and for me, my goal was to learn as much as possible. I’m relatively new to my current team, and this year was suppose to be a period of transition and slowly learning the techniques and nuances. COVID-19 threw a wrench into that, and I was pretty much forced to grab everything on the fly. Google truly is my best friend, and so are colleagues who are super generous with their time in answering my surely inane to them questions. I have to say I've not had such a period of massive learning at work since I first started over a decade ago, and it’s always good to pickup new knowledge.
On the flip side, I could’ve easily used my newness to the team as an excuse to lay back and not do much of anything. It probably would’ve been okay, given the extraordinary situation, but that’s not how I wish to do things. One thing I always strive for and take pride in is being highly productive at work; it isn’t about making myself look great amongst colleagues or chasing promotions or whatnot, but rather it’s about feeling good about the work I’ve put in at the end of a workday, so I can return home and sleep soundly. That’s really as much as I would ever need.
Well there’s your problem!