I do laundry about every two weeks. Sometimes however, for various logistical reasons, I have to extend out the interval. Either the machines are in use, or I’m physically not home over the weekend. Whenever that happens, I often come close to running out of basic clothes. The socks, underwear, and t-shirts that get changed out often. I only have so much of those in my admittedly spartan closet. Plus, my laundry basket is only so big.
Anyways, to avoid the clothing crunch when I need to skip an extra week of laundry, I stock up on the basics. There’s always new and unworn socks and underwear at the ready. If I truly run out of anything, I’m lucky to live within walking distance to a Target store where I can buy practically anything I would need.
Except there’s a problem: the great pandemic supply chain crunch means sometimes there isn’t any stock, even on the most basic of clothing items. Just this past week I went to two different Target and both were out of the model of Hanes sock I buy. Half the shelves were absolutely barren of product. Granted, it is fall semester season so I’m sure lots of students stocked up on the essentials. But to visit two Target stores miles away from each other and see the same situation, it’s a supply chain issue.
In the end I had to buy a different brand of socks. Not an ideal situation because now I have to sort out two different sets whenever I do laundry. At least these Fruit of the Loom items are the same color as the Hanes I have: black.
It’s party time.