The reason I can afford a six-figure sports car on a decidedly not-so six-figure salary is because I don’t spend much in other areas of life. One such area is clothing. Most of the stuff I wear are close to a decade old, and the amount of clothing isn’t great either. I can fit every single piece I own into two reasonable sized suitcases. I know this, because I did just that when I moved last November.
Back in college, there was a brief period when I bought a few too many sneakers. I am glad that phase was brief and gone, because spending over $100 dollars on a single pair of shoes is just not my idea of a good time. A rotation of about four pairs - including one for running - is about all I really need. Some of the shoes I bought back then, I still have, and in the coming years I hope to finally wear them out.
And I don’t plan to buy any more shoes until I do.
What I have started doing is replacing my wardrobe piece by piece. Any items that looks tattered are getting tossed. There’s also a hygiene factor: hats that are worn regularly and more than five years old are probably not the freshest thing. So recently I’ve completely replaced my aging hats with brand new ones. Thankfully I am not sentimental about having old hats around when I’m old and retired. I have no problem throwing away the SF Giants hat that commemorates the 2014 World Series victory.
My philosophy with clothing is to try to buy items that last, and I reckon I’ve done a pretty good job. Enough so that my relatives in China remarked that I’ve worn the same things that previous six years I’ve visited. Perhaps that was the signal to start changing it up. Slowly but surely.
Guardian of the Keurig.