Hello there! Strange to be writing the first blog entry of June in the middle of June. I am sad to report that I’ve suffered a right-hand injury two weeks back. Naturally, that makes it slightly difficult to do hand-related activities, such as typing (washing my hair was an inarticulate mess). I’m glad my BMW M2 has an automatic transmission, because were it the manual, I wouldn’t have been able to drive.
I am on the mend, obviously, and therefore able to type on these pages again. Nothing will make you value your overall health like when it’s taken away from you. With an injured hand, I haven’t been able to workout with weights. Shame, because I just bought a 40 pound kettlebell to replace the measly 26 pounder I’ve been using the past few years. I ordered from Amazon because it was the cheapest, though the poor delivery person had to schlep that 40 pounds from the truck to our front door step. Sorry!
In the meantime, I’ve been lounging on the couch and watching episodes of Ted Lasso. What a wonderfully fantastic series! I’ve heard people refer it as a happy go-lucky show, but there’s so much layers to that cake. You don’t get that happiness and positivity without being emotionally vulnerable and dealing with your demons. The second season especially, shows the titular character finally confronting the darkness stemming from the lost of his father. Ted Lasso narrates all of that in a wrapper that reminds audiences to be kind and selfless towards others, and ourselves.
The series is an easy recommendation, well worth the $7 to subscribe to Apple TV+ (for one month) to watch all three seasons in one go.
Alcatraz is an island.