
Short blog posts, journal entries, and random thoughts. Topics include a mix of personal and the world at large. 

GT: Sport photo mode

If there’s one party-piece of the forthcoming Gran Turismo Sport I’m most excited about, it’s definitely the photo mode. For sure I’m also massively looking forward to driving on the new tracks and sampling the new cars - reminds me I’ve got to purchase a new steering wheel device - but for a semi-serious photographic hobbyist like me, the 1,000 photo ‘Scapes’ available looks absolutely delicious. It combines the three things I love: photography, automobile, and travel, for the mere price of the game itself. 

I never got into the photo mode in previous iterations of GT due to the pathetic and appalling “camera” output of 1080p. For someone whose starter camera had 12 megapixels - commence snickering from older folks that started earlier than I on digital - the 2.1 megapixels of 1080p is insufficient. Not to say one wasn’t able to get incredible shots in GT5 or GT6 - there’s definitely some killer gems out there - but I guess I’m more of a stats-whore than I want to believe. 

GT Sport with the power of the PS4 should change things tremendously. There will not be enough hours in the day come October.