One of the things I greatly miss about Japan is the sheer availability of drinks vending machines everywhere. You literally cannot go a few blocks without spotting one of them at a corner, ready to dispense refreshments. These vending machines are a godsend during Japan’s notoriously hot and humid summers. It’s also quite nice, too, to be able to have ice cold coffee practically anywhere, anytime, at a moment’s notice.
Obviously, such a concept of street-side vending machines everywhere would never work here in America. Our culture of rugged individualism would never allow such an enterprise to flourish. The machines would get vandalized and items stolen so quickly that they will never make any money from it. It’s a shame that we can’t have such convenience, though I guess there’s always the neighborhood Walgreens or CVS. Assuming the one local to you haven’t shutdown due to… vandalism and theft.
To sort of replicate having an arsenal of drinks at my disposable, I make weekly runs to Costco to stock up a on variety. Green tea is a given, plus cans of both Diet Coke and cold-brew coffee, and an aloe-vera drink. Whenever I’m hankering for something other than plain water - which is almost always - the cache of drinks is right there. Probably costs less than getting it from an actual vending machine, too.
Of course, it would be cheaper still - free, even - if I simply drink water from the tap. But that’s a terrible way to live: I make money so that I can enjoy tasty refreshments here and there. Until I actually move to an Asian country somewhere down the future, stocking up drinks at home is the way to go.
Sakura season.