I am finally getting a new desk. But it’s not the kind you think. Standing desks are all the rage these days. I’m immensely glad my workplace has furnished for us adjustable desk. Which means I get to stand as much as I want while I am at work. Which also means I don’t necessary want to stand once I am home. There’s no need to pay (in this economy) for an expensive standing desk.
In a stroke of inspiration, I had the idea of wanting the exact opposite: a “floor desk”. One that is so low to the ground I need to sit on the floor to use. Picture a giant coffee table for computing use. It’s an ode to the traditional Japanese way of living, where everything is done close to the ground. The ryokan we stayed at while in Japan was like this: we sat on cushions, ate on a low coffee table, and slept right on the floor.
My favorite way of sitting is cross-legged anyways. I think using a floor desk just makes all the sense.
The problem is actually finding one. Unlike the legion of standing desk users, there doesn’t seem to be that many floor sitters out there. Therefore the selection of low-to-the-ground office desks is kind of non existent. I had to get creative. Per chance I noticed Uplift - a popular standing desk brand - sells coffee table legs. These 16-inch high steel legs can turn any piece of board into a low desk. Along with the legs I bought a bamboo desktop on Amazon. For about $300, it’s not a bad deal compared to the $600 or so I was looking at for a standing desk.
What’s more, I will be able to get rid of my office chair, freeing up precious space in this tiny studio of mine.
Vlog life.