I didn’t know the technology that meter maids carry are so advanced these days! I guess gone are the days of them actually stepping out of the car, taking out a pad, and then jotting down the details onto a ticket. Nowadays they use a scanning device to take down a car’s license plate number. The same device then prints out the ticket, whereby the meter maid then puts onto the windshield. The entire process takes less than 10 seconds, like a drive-by shooting.
I witness this just yesterday. It was our side of the street’s turn for its twice-monthly street cleaning. Our neighbor failed to move their Lexus out of the way - not the first time this year. The meter maid came and ticketed the car in a blink of an eye. I honestly would have missed it if I wasn’t staring directly at it outside my room window. San Francisco State University uses the same technology to police its parking lots. Remember when tickets included a mail-in envelop? Not anymore! All you get now is a some-what waterproof piece of paper with details on how to pay online.
On behalf of San Francisco residents, I would like to thank our neighbor for contributing to the city’s funds. Thank you so much for your service! God knows with the dwindling tax base of empty downtown offices, San Francisco needs all the revenue it can get from other places. My housemate was walking the dog at the same time yesterday and saw a non-insignificant number of cars getting ticketed around the neighborhood. Thank you to those drivers as well for their service. What’s the price of a street-cleaning violation ticket these days anyways?
I can smugly say I avoid getting ticketed by inputing the street cleaning days onto my calendar. I then receive alerts for it the night before. Impossible for me to miss! Besides, unlike our neighbor, my housemate would actually warn me if I forgot to move my car for whatever reason. That’s what neighbors do - if we like you.
For the sun.