I would like to know whose idea or agreement was it that said we are going to have nightly rounds of illegal fireworks for the entire month of June, presumably leading up to the Fourth of July. It used to be that only on the day of Independence Day would we had to deal with the loud bangs and pops of fireworks emanating around the neighborhood, but for some reason somebody decided this year that we are going to have it every evening for a whole month. According to what I can gleam from twitter, this is a phenomenon all throughout the country. New Yorkers are so fed up with the disruption that they’ve gone to the mayor’s house to protest - with loud honking.
It makes sense: if I can’t get proper sleep, why should the person who runs the city?
Normally I am not against illegal fireworks on the Fourth of July; it’s for the kids, and just one night out of the whole year having to endure thunderous sounds while trying to fall asleep is a worthy tradeoff. Thirty straight days, however? That’s got to be a no from me, man. Since the month of June began I’ve been wearing ear-plugs to sleep, something I usually don’t do unless I’m traveling. While I can indeed sleep through earthquakes, paradoxically I need absolute silence in order to fall into slumber. These nightly fireworks have not been conducive to say the least, and honestly I’m starting to get rather annoyed.
I have no doubts the coronavirus situation plays a huge factor in the endless melee of loud bangs every night. There’s got to be a surplus of fireworks that were made available to purchase online very cheaply; thus armed with an arsenal that couldn’t be depleted in one single night, one person decided to start lighting them up way ahead of the Independence holiday. Monkey see, monkey do, and everybody who’s got illegal fireworks began to shoot them on a nightly basis. Admittedly it was amusing at first, but after over twenty consecutive days of it, it’s really not fun anymore. Worse, there’s still almost two weeks before the actual Fourth of July; god forbid it continues on after that.
Not here to spoil anyone’s party, but the daily rounds of fireworks is a prime example of too much of a good thing. I hope this super quirky 2020 is but an aberration, and starting next year we go back to putting up fireworks on the day of only.
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