In the capitalist economic system such as ours, it is very important to have capital (duh). That’s how it works. You literally cannot survive without it. We trade our labor, working a job for money in return, just so we don’t starve and sleep on the streets. Equally important then is to avoid squandering all of the capital we toiled so hard for. Having adequate savings is how we thrive.
It’s incredibly calming to know that you’ve got enough money in the bank to cover any surprises. I cannot imagine the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. A sudden, unplanned cash event can turn into a downward debt spiral. A Sisyphean hole that you keep shoveling stuff in, but never fills completely.
If anyone were to accuse me of being privileged to not have to live paycheck to paycheck: get the French out of here. My parents of a combined $2,000 income - for a household of four - managed to save enough to buy me a brand new car when I graduated from high school. I’ve read enough Reddit posts to know that lots of people out there - of all income levels - have a spending problem. No matter how much you make, you should spend less than that. It’s not a value judgement, it’s math.
Because our surplus money can then be used to participate in the capitalist system: by investing it. That money becomes capital for others to turn a profit - by serving the needs of the customer. The return on our investment gets continuously reinvested towards other ventures, thereby compounding the growth. That is how we thrive in this economic system.
Don’t hate the game; be a player.
Margins are important.