Last evening, I had to pick up a friend from the airport. She was flying in from Singapore on a 15 hour flight. Foolishly she slept on the plane, which meant she will be properly jet-lagged today. From the looks of text messages in our group chat, she was still awake well into 3 o’clock this morning. Today will be rough for her indeed - the friend is already going back to work!
Before picking her up at the airport, we made a detour to the In-N-Out burger nearby in Millbrae. Whoever decided to put an In-N-Out there - right off the freeway exit just after the exit for SFO - is a genius. You can get the west coast famous In-N-Out burger immediately as you arrive into San Francisco. Grab your rental car, then cross the freeway. What, you want to take a bus there? Sorry, this is not Asia. Public transit doesn’t work like that around here.
Opposite to the Millbrae In-N-Out is the combined Caltrain and BART station. We were surprised and delighted to see a whole slew of apartments being built around it. Now that is convenience! I would totally rent a place there if where I work is accessible by train, either up into San Francisco, or further down the pennisula. I’d image those apartments will sell out quick, even in this climate of are we or are we not having a recession.
From the looks of the website, there will be shops and food places at the ground floor as well. As a person who lives two blocks from a major mall, I cannot overstate how valuable it is to be so close to these sort of amenities. Look at food: the reason I can make do with a relatively small fridge is because I can practically grocery shop at any time. The Whole Foods at the mall is open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. I just buy what I need for that next meal - there’s no need to stock up.
This kind of convenience is worth everything. You’d have to pay me double for me to even consider moving out of my current living/working situation.
Vorsprung durch technik.