A negative about traveling solo is the inability to sample as much food as you would like. When traveling with others, you each get to pick a different item on the menu. Therefore you are able to taste a variety more food without wasting any. It is not feasible for me to order five things off a menu and eating only a portion of each. That is not how I was raised.
In the Chinese culture, we are taught to never ever waste food. Our parents and grandparents’ generation suffered through the disastrous Great Leap Forward and the subsequent Great Chinese Famine. Food scarcity is deeply embedded in our DNA. That is why Chinese people like to greet each other with: “Have you eaten?” The only time my father ate eggs when he was a child was on his birthday. Meanwhile, I am chowing down at least two eggs every single day. Hashtag protein.
Because of this upbringing, I did not sample as much variety as I would have liked in Bangkok. I buy only one menu item, I eat it entirely. The fridge back at the hotel is too filled with beverages they want to charge me money for to store any leftovers anyways.
It would be seriously remiss of you to go to Thailand and not eat the local tropical fruits. Fruits stands are everywhere. They’re cheap, buy a bag, get your daily fiber intake. As a lover of mango, I was practically in paradise. I particularly enjoyed eating mango sticky rice. For some reason, I never had it back in the States. It’s easily a top three dessert dish on my list now.
I just wish I ate more of it whilst in Bangkok. Traveling with others would have helped…
Fancy version.