I don’t always buy jeans, but when I do, it’s got to be Levi’s. (Sponsor me!)
Now that I’ve returned to a more rigorous workout schedule (three times a week), my current pairs of jeans - Levi’s 502 in 31x30 size - have become a bit loose. What was once possible to wear without a belt, now requires one to hold the pants up properly. Out of curiosity, I went back to look when I last purchased these jeans, and it was May of 2021.
That is right smack in the middle of the pandemic. The reason I bought new Levi’s jeans then was the reverse of now: the current pairs were too tight. Indeed, the COVID weight gain comes for us all, and during the middle of 2021 I was at my heaviest in a long time. I can remember that September, when I absolutely struggled to fit into a suit that was tailored back in 2014. Suffice it to say, I got back on a weight cut after attending my friend’s wedding with said suit.
Back to the present day. With high inflation touching seemingly everything, I was surprised to find that Levi’s jeans (the 502 style, at least) have not increased in price. The $70 for a standard pair is the same today as it was back in 2021. Of course, no one should be paying full price for a pair of Levi’s. Their website has an automatic 20% off, plus free shipping, when you give them an email address for their newsletter. (Goes to show how absurdly high the margins are.)
Third-party retailers often have sales, too. I bought four new pairs of 502 jeans from Amazon at around $50 each. Hopefully, I won’t have to buy replacements in larger sizing for a very long time.
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