A fresh set of iFixit tools is a special feeling. Rows and columns of alloy bits not yet tarnish by human fingers. The sharp ends not yet met the heads of a screw. Breathe in that freshly open box smell. It’s probably toxic, but you don’t care. Every single piece is right where it should be, corresponding to the labels perfectly. It’s strange how much excitement I can draw from a $40 dollar tool set. I was super excited when we finally got in some new sets at work.
Primarily because other people have no sense of responsibility. No sense of order. No sense of putting things back where they should be once you’re done with it. Our old roster of iFixit toolkits are all in varying state of mess. Bits either missing or not where they should be placed. Half the time the sets themselves aren’t even put back in the designated area. More than once I’ve vowed to buy my own set. I would then only have myself to blame if the pieces are in disarray.
Of course, they would never be: I’m entirely too obsessive compulsive about things being in their proper place. I don’t expect my coworkers to be on that same level. Most people don’t clean the floors of their home every other day. Naturally then I also have the cleanest desk in the office. I put to regular use those alcoholic wipes that gets handed out like candy since the start of the pandemic.
So I may have selfishly commandeered one of the new iFixit sets for myself. I instantly ran to the label-maker to sticker my name to the case. Perhaps it’s a dick move, but I have to say I do use the tools quite often. Besides, I would gladly proffer up “my” set should someone needs one, and all the others are being used.
Ohhh yeahhhh.