In the fabulous TV series Hawkeye, Florence Pugh’s character Yelena had a funny interaction with Hailee Steinfeld’s character Kate. In Kate’s apartment, Yelena cooked some mac and cheese for the both of them. She went to look for spoons for the both of them but only found one. Yelena then asked Kate why she’s only got one singular spoon, to which the response was, “I’m only one person!”
I felt that innately! I’ve been renting by myself for over a year now, and I too only have one spoon. I don’t even have a fork, preferring to use chopsticks. Due to the coronavirus, I hardly entertain guests. There isn’t even another chair in my studio apartment. Any visitors would have to sit on the floor (a very clean floor, mind you). It’s just as well because it’s rather tiny for more than one person. Besides, most of my friends know my landlord/friend/housemate as well, so when they come visit, we just hang out upstairs.
It is interesting some of the quirks of living alone in your own space. Like having only one set of utensils. I also drink straight out of liter bottles of drinks, because honestly who else is drinking it but me? I pay top dollar for the expensive toilet paper and the most organic of eggs. Unlike a family of four, it takes me a long time to go through one giant Costco package of Charmin Ultra Softs. The extra few dollars over the Kirkland brand is insignificant.
As I always say to my friends, “Come on, guys, we make money now!”
I’m definitely going to lose lots of money to this place.