The Whole Foods at the local mall a few blocks away is finally opening up soon. I am one step further to having absolutely everything I need within walking distance. Of course, I don’t have the paycheck to afford a frequent Whole Foods habit, but let’s just gloss over that for a second. I can walk to a Whole Foods in less than 10 minutes! The hot foods section will be my sanctuary.
What would be clutch is if the same mall with the Whole Foods also had a post office, and either a UPS or Fedex store. I seldom send boxes out, but when I do, it currently still involves in getting into a car. Functionally I guess I can walk to the nearest USPS: the plaza is about 30 minutes away by foot. Same plaza also has a UPS Store and a Fedex Office. A bit of a walk isn’t so bad, now that I’m typing about it.
These days I really loathe to get into a car for anything. Coming out of the pandemic, drivers on the road are far too aggravated. Even on an early Sunday morning when everything is supposed to be relaxed and joyful, there’s still drivers who are too willing to tailgate, too willing to weave through traffic. What’s the bloody hurry, honestly? Way too many crazies out there that I can’t get truly comfortable in my M2. I’m always on high alert.
Leisure drives on a winding mountain road would counteract that, but have you seen gas prices lately? Two weeks ago I filled up on 91 octane at $5.25 a gallon! At that price, I actually wouldn’t have been able to fill up my old 911 GT3’s 26-gallon tank in one go. The one time maximum at most pumps is a measly $100 dollars. No such problems with the M2’s relatively tiny 13-gallon fuel tank. Gas prices would have to reach near the $10 dollar mark for that to happen.
Our European cousins would say to our gas prices: “That’s nothing!”
Suffice it to say then, I’m not driving all that much lately. Having almost everything within walking distance is truly a luxury, and a real stress reducer. An Asian city style of living that I adore so much.
There is a small FedEx drop-off point at work…