Last week, Costco had a sale on face marks. Only five dollars for a pack of 50! Remember during the early days of this pandemic? When there was a shortage of medical face masks for sale? I once paid for a similar box of 50 for 50 dollars! Steep as that price may be, it was absolutely paramount that we protect ourselves.
Comparatively then, five dollars for 50 masks is an unmitigated steal. So I order four boxes. That should last me well into the rest of year (I’m not the type to reuse a mask then next day). I am optimistic that vaccines will proliferate quicker and quicker, that soon we’ll be back to some semblance of normal. However, I don’t think I’ll be stopping mask use even after that time. I may not wear them anymore when I’m at work or in a private setting with friends, but in public spaces I’m going to be Asian about it and continue to wear masks for a long time to come.
I received the shipment from Costco, and sadly only three boxes arrive. I had a decision to make: do I spend the time calling customer support to contest this? The decision is no: my time is worth way more than the five dollars I’d be (potentially) clawing back. Time is the most valuable commodity we have, and choosing to spend it wisely is just about the best thing we can do for ourselves. Chasing after a human error for less than ten dollars is not that.
Similarly, I don’t bother returning things that’s of a similarly low value. The hour that it cumulatively takes to package the thing and then drive it to logistics store could be better spent elsewhere. Like reading a book, for example, or partake in a lesson of guitar. As an adult that makes solid money, I can afford to essentially spend money to save time. Or in this case, forsake money to save time. Either which way, it’s very worth it.
Tace truck!