Well, it’s officially official now: the shelter-at-home order has been extended until the end of May for the Bay Area’s six counties. In a somewhat surprising move (to me anyways), we will have a third continuous month of quarantine action. If you’d ask me early in March when this all started that we’d be in for lockdown until the beginning of June, I probably would have said “no chance”.
It is surprising that we are in for another month of stay-at-home because San Francisco never really saw the major outbreak that occurred in New York City and in Italy. Undoubtedly due to our early efforts to stop mass gatherings of people and start working from home, coronavirus cases here never increased exponentially, and our area hospitals remain calm and at the ready. Due to these factor I thought the city government may see fit to loosen some of the proverbial strings and gradually dial back in some normalcy. Well, the answer is no; we have 30+ more days of the current status quo.
And I have to say I am quite used to the quarantine situation that we have now. The major change in working from home have turned into something normal, and my weekends are fairly the same given that I’m an introverted shut-in anyways. I am itching for the rest of you to return to your regular lives, and personally I can’t wait to be able to do one of the things I love most in this world: driving. It’s the reason I’m low-key dismayed that San Francisco have move the endpoint one month further. As much as I enjoy being at home, the current situation remains very weird.
I think my mind subconsciously knows this as well; I’ve been having difficulty falling asleep lately, even though I literally have changed nothing with regards to my evening and night routine. I can’t even say it’s stress from work because being relegated to sitting in front of a computer in my room is actually an easier task than during normal times. I think the troubled sleep stems from very subtle anxiety with everything that’s going on outside; no matter what new routine I settle into, it will never feel completely right until the lockdown is over.
April went by unexpectedly quick; what’s another month, really?
Rabbit ears…