You know how when people survive a serious illness like cancer, it’s as if they receive a new lease on life? All the fake trappings and responsibilities imposed by others fade to the background and the healed person instead focuses on what’s most important.
One doesn’t necessarily have to beat a big disease in order to feel this way. For the sum total of last week I was sick with the usual cold. It explains why there weren’t any updates on here. I basically slept for 10+ hours each day, and for the rest of the time it was eight hours at work (gutted it out) and then lots of lounging around at home watching Youtube videos.
Good news: I’m all caught up on Mighty Car Mods episodes.
I’ve recovered now, obviously (and thankfully), and I do feel a modicum like the guy who’ve conquered cancer: a new opportunity at this game of life. It’s so easy to take health for granted, even for someone like me who is super health conscious and exercises on a regular basis. The common cold doesn’t discriminate however and in those hours of feeling like shit and viscous fluids keeps coming out the nose, I resolved to be even more carpe diem as soon as I recover.
So there’s much to catch up on, and much to write about on this blog. My initial impressions on the iPhone XS Max (ridiculous name remains ridiculous) will be tomorrow, so please look out for that. In the meantime, a happy Monday to you all, let’s be healthy and get after it.
Now that’s a good color combination on this classic light-rail train. I wish SF MUNI would have kept it.